Artist Loans that are Fast, Flexible and Straight Forward
We have 2 programs. One for artists who are currently falling behind in their music simply because they do not have the funds. And another for unpublished or unrecorded artist needing financing for their entire project.
No credit needed
Application review is solely based on your music. The process is smooth and fast so you can begin creating the music you love.
Instant Availability
Create and produce right away. Have everything you need for your project from the start, including the unexpected!
Free Consultations
Get the most out of your advance with one on one management consulting. From budgeting to making connections, we have your back!
Promotion Advance
Have a project released that could use a little boost? This is for you! A Promotion Advance will provide your release with the backing to be placed in front of new fans to help build your monthly listeners and multiply your return on your investment. This will also include one on one management consulting and guidance through your entire term to ensure you get the most out of your budget. You can get financed between $100 – $500 for a term of 2 to 4 months.
Full Advance
A full advance is for unrecorded and unpublished works, this financing will provide an artist the funds for beat production, recording, pre-release promotion, and post release promotion. This will also include one on one management consulting and guidance through your entire term to ensure you get the most out of your budget. You can get financed between $300 – $1,000 for a term of 3 to 6 months.
Welcome to the new beginning as an independent artist.
To begin simply click the button below to answer our questionnaire. This will help us determine what loan is the best fit for you.